What’s new from Drue?
As a Founder & CEO running Silicon Valley’s leading art studio, Drue Kataoka is continually pushing creative limits while also using her platform for social impact. She creates art with a strong social message, and we are honoured to count her as one of our Maakola ambassadors. Here’s how she brought social justice to the fore in one of her most recent works.

#OnlineProtest Artwork
It’s the American flag, but not as we know it. In Drue’s version, the stars and stripes are overlaid with the words “I can’t breathe” — the final words of people killed by police brutality. This artwork was created as the signature image for the #OnlineProtest for Social Justice, a seven-day livestream co-created by Dr. Bernice A. King, CEO of The King Center and Drue, to protest the killing of George Floyd and work towards meaningful social justice reform. The event, which ran for seven days in early June 2020, provided an accessible way for people who could not attend the protests in major cities to lend their voices to the fight for justice.

Flute performance honoring the 90th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Drue Kataoka was invited to do a flute performance & opening remarks at Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 90th Birthday Celebration at Stanford University’s Memorial Church. Playing his favorite hymn, “Precious Lord” she was joined by King’s close friend, speechwriter and advisor Clarence B. Jones, Singer Joan Baez and the Rev. William Barber who is “repairing the breach,” Prof. Clayborne Carson, Director of the King Institute as well as a packed Memorial Church with attendees from throughout Stanford and Silicon Valley.
According to Jesse Jackson, King’s last words on the balcony before his assassination were spoken to musician Ben Branch, who was scheduled to perform that night at an event King was attending: “Ben, make sure you play ‘Take My Hand, Precious Lord’ in the meeting tonight. Play it real pretty.”
Inspired by astrophysics & Greek mythology, the Ambrosias are multi-dimensional sculptures that generate complex reflections and refractions. See a video about these artworks here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ2m16upTHw
Look out for Drue wearing the Yaa Asantewaa parrot dress from our collection!

Find out more about Drue: http://www.Drue.net
Follow on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/druekataoka/
Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/druekataoka