Maakola Needs YOU: Working Together To Design Women’s Workwear For A New World
As Co-founder of Maakola, I decided to design my own clothing to create something unique and special that I could share with strong women everywhere.
My work and lifestyle sees me jet setting around the world. Being a social entrepreneur I have had countless experiences in my work life of being “the new girl” in the room. From being the only woman, to being the only foreigner, to being the only one dressed a little differently.
Rather than shying away, I see these challenges in a positive light. I have learned the importance of making my voice heard and to be seen for who I really am, while integrating within new communities and environments.

In my everyday life I often experience what it feels like to walk into a room dominated by men or people culturally diverse from myself. All it takes to form an impression of a stranger from their face is a tenth of a second. That’s not a lot of time to make the right impression! So, I have mastered the art of adapting to the environment while never losing my multidimensional identity or personal style.

How We Can Create Your Best Business Outfits Together
We want to co-create workwear that meet your needs.
Women’s office clothes don’t have to mean boring and rigid suits. At Maakola, our designs are filled with joy, passion, spirit and character. Now we want to co-create with you your ideal business outfit.
In the midst of a global pandemic, even if your meetings are taking place over Zoom, you can still make a lasting impression with your style by dressing for business. Through our social media we want to hear from you about what makes your perfect business outfit.

Tell us what you like, what you don’t like, what would make you feel confident. Is there a particular style, cut, suit, dress, design that you would like to see? Your voice matters so much to us.
Here are some thoughts that we would love your input on:
- What do you look for in business or work attire?
- Do you prefer statement or classic pieces?
- What do you prioritize when it comes to women’s business wear?
- Is comfort, color or fabric your priority?
- Do you prefer a single piece or a suit?
You can drop us a comment here, or leave your thoughts and join in the conversation on our social media.
We can’t wait to work with you and fill you with the power of a Maakola woman.
Love, Aurora