collective evolution
Making fashion human
Fashion feeds upon the hasty spirit of our time, but it can also be used to cure it. We need to make fashion human again, rooted in the community and culture, resembling respect for life and each other. We want fashion to connect people, not divide them.
And we believe fashion can help build a different future through a deeper sense of aesthetics, making value statements, and supporting new consumption and production patterns. Through their choices and bodies, people can express their social stance and share a different way of doing things.
Clothes tell the stories of people who wear them and the culture they come from. Speaking their language, they help us express who we are as people. And Maakola is here to help those stories come alive.
In doing so we aim to contribute to achieve the following Social Development Goals:
Putting soul into our work
Machines don’t make our garments. People do.
Every Maakola item is handmade by one of our tailors in Ghana and Italy.
Ghana is famous for its street tailors. They create clothing that makes women across the world feel great. To diversify the Maakola talent, they are joined by a few of our Italian tailors, who bring their unique heritage, skill and flair to the mix.
This craftsmanship lives in every garment. Our tailors don’t just bring our designs to life. They co-create them, refine and improve every piece as it evolves from sketch into reality. That’s why we recognize the talent and hard work of everyone who makes Maakola creations so special.
We are currently expanding our network of artisans. If you’re interested in working with us as a tailor, you can get in touch here.

Anti-racism and social justice

Diversity is not enough
We stand against all types of discrimination through our company culture and hiring practices, as well as our imagery, content, and the stories we tell. Our policies are tailored to prevent and correct any misconduct in this regard. With your help, we can continue to build on our mission to stamp out racism and bring about social justice.
We are currently looking for a Chief Diversity Officer to build a more diverse and inclusive team at every level. If you’d like to join us, please get in touch here. We intend to consciously recruit people of color to our board and leadership team as we grow.
We also strive to continuously engage more women of color in our photoshoots, both as models and ambassadors and behind the camera. Images tell stories, and we want our images to resemble the values we live by.
Advancing human potential
Weaving clothes into women’s lives
We want clothes to be meaningful to you, your inner world, and how you want to express yourself. Yet, we also think clothes can be more than that. They can help all of us celebrate the story of women, contributing to their sisterhood by bringing those stories to the surface and sharing them with others.
We elevate the voices of women through our ambassadors and sheroes. Together, they cherish a collective capacity to support each other in leading the lives they want to live. And the more such cases come to the surface, the stronger our community and confidence shall grow. We would love to hear your thoughts on how the Maakola community can make this world more equal and inclusive.

From transparency to trust

Making links to build a network
Achieving a fully sustainable supply chain is not easy. We work in this direction by going local and knowing our suppliers in person. And we want you to be able to do the same. That’s why we’ve made transparency the cornerstone of our approach. We scan all suppliers using our sustainability criteria which overlooks their business as a whole. Only when we are sure that the supplier aligns with our values and Code of Conduct are we ready to start the conversation. Therefore, you can be sure that every piece of the Maakola collection is responsibly sourced.
Maakola uses blockchain technology to help you track and verify the origin of your clothes. Get to know every material used in production, the people that designed and made your time, and the story behind the pattern and textile. We hope that the choices we make regarding our suppliers and our approach to transparency help you gain confidence about your purchases. Trust among all participants of the value chain is our core value.